About Me

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Pogo is a recovering former journalist, and this blog is intentionally written in a style more like a tone poem than a news piece, if you are a grammar cop this is probably not the blog for you. If you are more interested in content and feeling than where the semicolon goes, this is the blog for you. Pogo is an artist, pundit, socially conscious neo-liberal-hippy-fascist "FIPPY" of Japanese and Idaho pioneer stock, descendent of farmers, hermits and historical oddballs, she escaped to the big city only to return home to care for her nisei geezers and write about her long lost homeland while painting some stuff and seeing if social change is possible.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Spontaneous Rhyming on FB part one:

So I started with one line on my status today and was encouraged by an old friend from my TV news days to keep going and so I did. I polished it up and added a bit for my blog friends and here it is for you to enjoy. Please imagine a portly gent in flannel who has  less teeth than fingers playing beatbox as I rhyme  just for atmosphere in your brain:

Spontaneous Liberal Rant/Rhyme on FB:

Whining about Weiner because I am bitter about Vitter.
Smart man shows his junk leaves the world in a funk because spineless Dems kow-tow and made him a quitter.
Ain’t that a shitter?
Vitter there he sits on the senate floor
Checking priceline for his whore
Nobody hollers ‘bout his using time or dollars
of constituents while he tries to rent
some vagina on company time.
Committing a crime.

Because it’s family values time!

Now I’m Mocking on the Bachmann and I'm railin' on Palin'
got an itch to bitch about Newt Gingrich
and I wish I were funnin' but Santorum is runnin'
I got a fix on his frothy mix
he spray papooses with his anal juices
and you need a tube for all that lube
we need a quorum on Santorum
runnin’ down your leg
Uncle Sam! WHAM!
mister you might be in an assload of jam.
And if you a Muslim he make you eat ham.
If you are gay better pray for the day of election to spank his erection
For power over your love cuz he thinks God above
Gave him power to shove your rights
All the way to Uranus. Fucking heinous.
Now Boy-eee! You better-
Hit the deck here comes Beck ---Cryin’
‘bout his ratings while people are dyin’
drink an orange crush
throw it at Rush
watch fatty run like my mee-maw
to her trailer to watch hee-haw
if we really want to be failin'
elect Donald Trump and his ho-dee-oh dee-oh Sarah Palin
Lady got a wooden head and Donnie’s hair is well fed.
Maybe Mitt and Michele will save us from hell
but only if they ain’t elected
That meat is stinky it wasn’t inspected.
E-COLI can I get a holla hole in my colon?
There’s no way of knowin’ if my tumor is growin’
‘cause healthcare is for COMMIES.
Peace out (of the middle east)

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